New York in the 80s
World Trade Center 1980-2001
New York Streetscapes
New York Street Portraits
NY Subways Then and Now
New York Subway Portraits
Halloween in the Subway
Coney Island
Times Square
Statue of Liberty
New York Bridges
New York Snowstorms
New York Pandemic
Dream City (video)
New York Then and Now (video)
New Jersey Meadowlands
Photos that inspired Vampire Weekend


The notion of a “street portrait” may appear somewhat oxymoronic. After all, portraits are usually taken in either the photographer’s studio or the subject’s home. The street seems an unnatural place for a formal portrait.

But the street portrait lies at the intersection of the two great genres of photography: the fine art image and the documentary image. As for the former: there is the art and craft of the photographer engaging the subject. As for the latter: there is the wider world of the street and the city that threatens to undermine, at any moment, the delicate interaction between photographer and subject. It is tension between these two forces that defines the street portrait. The best street portraits thrive on this tension.

A great street portrait often combines disparate foreground and background elements. The foreground is usually the human subject. The background is the subject’s world. The background often enriches our understanding of the subject or, in the alternative, stands as a stark reminder of the alienation of the subject from her or his world.

Street portrait photography usually entails some engagement between photographer and subject. The proof of the engagement is often the subject’s eye contact with the photographer (and, ultimately, the viewer). As a general rule (but with some exceptions), I would classify the image as a conventional street photograph rather than as a street portrait if there is no tell-tale eye contact.

NY in the 80s 1321 / 60
NY in the 80s 1832 / 60
NY in the 80s 1393 / 60
NY in the 80s 1344 / 60
NY Street Portrait 35 / 60
NY in the 80s 1896 / 60
NY in the 80s 3677 / 60
NY in the 80s 3728 / 60
NY in the 80s 8299 / 60
NY in the 80s 36510 / 60
NY in the 80s 1011 / 60
NY in the 80s 12312 / 60
NY in the 80s 12913 / 60
NY in the 80s 1314 / 60
NY in the 80s 9215 / 60
NY in the 80s 9616 / 60
NY in the 80s 10517 / 60
NY Snowstorm 1118 / 60
NY Street Portrait 2119 / 60
NY Street Portrait 7320 / 60
NY Street Portrait 5321 / 60
NY Street Portrait 822 / 60
NY Streetscapes 85123 / 60
NY Streetscapes 85324 / 60
NY Street Portrait 8425 / 60
Subway Dreamland 16526 / 60
Times Square 32427 / 60
Times Square 41128 / 60
Trump Tower 529 / 60
Mermaid Parade 3530 / 60
Mermaid Parade 7431 / 60
Mermaid Parade 7932 / 60
Mermaid Parade 8533 / 60
Mermaid Parade 10734 / 60
Mermaid Parade 11635 / 60
Street Protest 3436 / 60
Street Protest 1737 / 60
Wall Street 538 / 60
Times Square 35139 / 60
NY Subway 27340 / 60
NY Subway 31441 / 60
NY Subway 31842 / 60
NY Subway 32343 / 60
Statue of Liberty 30944 / 60
Statue of Liberty 18045 / 60
Statue of Liberty 17046 / 60
Statue of Liberty 11847 / 60
Statue of Liberty 11948 / 60
Bear Mountain Park 1049 / 60
Brooklyn Bridge 12650 / 60
Brooklyn Bridge 12751 / 60
Manhattanhenge 2752 / 60
NY Streetscapes 105053 / 60
Williamsburg Bridge 2854 / 60
Central Park 855 / 60
Christmas House 8456 / 60
Coney Island 1157 / 60
Coney Island 4158 / 60
Coney Island 18359 / 60
Cyclone 1160 / 60